Avant d'entrer sur ce site my-escortgirl.com pour une escort girl monaco,escort girl nice,escort girl cannes,escort girl monte carlo,escort girl antibes,escort girl saint tropez, vous devez donc prendre connaissance des conditions générales suivantes :
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Before entering my-escortgirl.com, PLEASE READ THIS CAREFULLY.
By accepting this agreement, I, the viewer of this web site, electronically certify the following:
- I am at least 21 years of age or age of majority in my region. At this moment, I am viewing this material in a community where adult material is not considered lewd or obscene.
- I understand the standards and laws of the community, site, and computer to which I am transporting this material, and I am solely responsible for my actions.
- I promise that I will not permit any person (s) under 21 years of age to have access to any of the materials contained within this site.
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- I understand that this is not an offer for prostitution. Money exchanged is for time and companionship only.
- Please note that this is not an offer for prostitution. Money exchanged is for time and companionship only. Anything else that may occur is a matter of personal choice between two or more consenting adults of legal age, and is not contracted for, nor is it requested to be contracted for or compensated for in any manner.
- You may quit my-escortgirl.com if you don't agreed of the above terms
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